The 3D semantic instance prediction task involves detecting and segmenting the object in an 3D scan mesh.

Evaluation and metrics

Our evaluation ranks all methods according to the average precision for each class. We report the mean average precision AP at overlap 0.25 (AP 25%), overlap 0.5 (AP 50%), and over overlaps in the range [0.5:0.95:0.05] (AP). Note that multiple predictions of the same ground truth instance are penalized as false positives.

This table lists the benchmark results for the 3D semantic instance with limited reconstructions scenario.

Method Infoavg ap 50%bathtubbedbookshelfcabinetchaircountercurtaindeskdoorotherfurniturepicturerefrigeratorshower curtainsinksofatabletoiletwindow
sort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysorted bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort by
WS3D_LR_Ins0.649 11.000 10.800 10.721 10.603 10.807 20.044 30.735 10.377 10.466 10.550 10.605 10.550 21.000 10.506 20.776 20.618 11.000 10.526 1
Kangcheng Liu: WS3D: Weakly Supervised 3D Scene Segmentation with Region-Level Boundary Awareness and Instance Discrimination. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022
InstTeacher3D0.598 21.000 10.727 50.205 60.420 20.833 10.405 10.470 30.247 20.463 20.536 20.559 20.533 31.000 10.552 10.782 10.587 21.000 10.444 2
TWIST+CSC0.481 30.667 30.760 20.468 30.313 30.802 30.008 40.529 20.098 60.364 30.411 30.348 30.500 50.571 30.504 30.646 50.530 30.944 40.201 3
Ruihang Chu: TWIST: Two-Way Inter-label Self-Training for Semi-supervised 3D Instance Segmentation. CVPR 2022
CSC_LR_INS0.440 40.667 30.737 40.418 50.218 60.791 40.094 20.328 50.185 30.251 60.382 40.273 40.565 10.539 40.377 40.588 60.371 61.000 10.128 5
PointContrast_LR_INS0.432 50.667 30.757 30.560 20.278 50.740 50.003 60.435 40.123 50.309 40.347 50.109 60.522 40.429 60.223 60.739 30.434 50.944 40.149 4
Scratch_LR_INS0.413 60.667 30.720 60.442 40.288 40.735 60.005 50.326 60.138 40.302 50.329 60.204 50.445 60.498 50.229 50.657 40.452 40.889 60.115 6