The 3D semantic instance prediction task involves detecting and segmenting the object in an 3D scan mesh.

Evaluation and metrics

Our evaluation ranks all methods according to the average precision for each class. We report the mean average precision AP at overlap 0.25 (AP 25%), overlap 0.5 (AP 50%), and over overlaps in the range [0.5:0.95:0.05] (AP). Note that multiple predictions of the same ground truth instance are penalized as false positives.

This table lists the benchmark results for the 3D semantic instance with limited reconstructions scenario.

Method Infoavg ap 25%bathtubbedbookshelfcabinetchaircountercurtaindeskdoorotherfurniturepicturerefrigeratorshower curtainsinksofatabletoiletwindow
sort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysort bysorted bysort bysort by
WS3D_LR_Ins0.726 11.000 10.797 30.730 10.669 10.851 20.410 20.765 10.693 10.528 30.583 10.388 30.638 11.000 10.880 10.874 10.653 10.975 10.631 1
Kangcheng Liu: WS3D: Weakly Supervised 3D Scene Segmentation with Region-Level Boundary Awareness and Instance Discrimination. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022
TWIST+CSC0.592 21.000 10.842 10.486 40.586 20.859 10.445 10.436 20.649 20.546 20.486 30.331 40.455 20.143 20.630 40.783 40.635 20.938 20.408 3
Ruihang Chu: TWIST: Two-Way Inter-label Self-Training for Semi-supervised 3D Instance Segmentation. CVPR 2022
InstTeacher3D0.563 31.000 10.729 50.567 20.577 30.842 30.300 30.412 40.486 50.648 10.536 20.541 10.250 30.000 30.529 50.727 60.555 30.875 30.552 2
Scratch_LR_INS0.419 60.667 40.696 60.133 60.497 40.787 60.200 50.037 60.543 40.489 40.351 60.208 60.139 50.000 30.471 60.757 50.531 40.810 50.230 6
CSC_LR_INS0.492 40.667 40.810 20.513 30.487 50.806 40.174 60.290 50.634 30.470 50.398 40.405 20.240 40.000 30.706 20.800 20.465 50.695 60.292 4
PointContrast_LR_INS0.438 50.667 40.795 40.169 50.471 60.792 50.250 40.413 30.327 60.389 60.376 50.236 50.043 60.000 30.647 30.789 30.458 60.829 40.239 5