Terms and Conditions

This webpage is made for the ScanNet++ Dataset.

The current website maintainer(s) can be contacted by the ScanNet++ group email.

The contents of this website are created with utmost care. However, we do not guarantee accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the contents provided. Users utilize the contents of this website at their own risk.


Linked websites are the responsibility of the respective provider. We have no influence on current or future content of linked third party sites.

Privacy Policy

Linked websites are the responsibility of the respective provider. We have no influence on current or future content of linked third party sites.

Use of information

Non-personal user data, such as IP address, page last visited, browser used, date, time, etc, may be internally evaluated in anonymized form. No conclusions regarding your person will be drawn from this.


In specific cases, cookies are used. You can set your browser to display a warning on your screen before a cookie is stored. You can also choose to refuse personal cookies and the advantages they offer. Consequently, some services may not be fully functional.

Questions about our privacy policy

Please send possible questions, requests for corrections, or requests for deletions directly to us via the contact given on the top of this page.

Changes to this privacy statement

Changes to our privacy policy may happen at any time. Please consult this statement regularly.

Legal basis

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) forms the basis for this data protection statement.